Simon Doughty

As many will already know, this week we heard the very sad news that Simon Doughty had recently passed.

Simon was a lovely, funny person as well as a highly respected rider and talented author. Everyone liked Simon for his crazy sense of humour, his ability as a cyclist and his comprehensive knowledge of cycling technology and nutrition for cyclists. He was ahead of his time.

Simon wrote a couple of excellent books –

“The Cyclist’s Training Manual: Fitness and Skills for Every Rider”
“The Long Distance Cyclist’s Handbook”

Both books are still in print and available on Amazon. They are remarkable reads and cover every aspect of cycling.

Simon also ran a successful bike business, called NTi and was one of the first people to sell telescopic forks in the UK. When the business folded he became a senior level professional coach with BC, it was a dream job for him. But it was to be short lived as he was hit by a drunk driver as he was cycling to work one morning at the Manchester velodrome. Simon sustained catastrophic head injuries and needed 24 hour care after that and was also wheel chair bound.

I believe he must have been around 63 years old when he died.

Mark Brooking and Simon were great friends and they were the youngest riders on the Brindisi Seven ride, which is one of the early prestigious rides in the AUK world. Between them they set some WCC club records and I think Simon was highly placed on the famous Mersey Roads 24 hour TT.

Miles Back

L to R: Mark Brooking, Ian Why, Derek Reynolds, Jill Reynolds, Simon Doughty, Jenny Wright, Brain Wright

Mike-the-Bike Ellison (right) and Simon Doughty (left)

Simon looking cool in his string back mitts. (Got to love the Citroën Dyane in the background with the bike on the roof!)

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