Jayne Paine races Le Tour Des Vallées Azuréennes

Jayne recently journeyed down to the South of France to race in the Tour Des Vallées Azuréennes, a multi stage event held just inland from Nice. The TdVA is a four stage race and also includes a contre-la-montre/Time Trial and was held over four days from 18th to 20th May.

Jayne raced impressively well and after the second stage she was holding on to third place and lookin’ good for a GC podium finish. However, on Monday’s final stage she dropped her chain twice during the 80km race. Despite being on her own, Jayne ferociously battled for a full 30 minutes before getting back on to the group.  By this time it was 13km to the finish, but the effort of the chase had emptied her reserves. In the final GC, Jayne just missed out on a podium finish.

In her post race interview with the WCC blog she said “It was a shame because at the time my chain dropped, I was in with a group with the girl who came 2nd on the GC and the other was way behind”.

Well done Jayne  a magnificent effort.

Miles Back

Jayne (L) on the Podium

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