Doing a Sportive in Europe

I’m hoping to organise an official Willesden/Slipstreamers trip next year to a Sportive.

It will be one of the weekend sportives that is run in conjunction with a Spring Classic, or another major cycle race. It will be in easy reach of the channel ports and use B&B/budget hotel accomodation. You don’t have to be a fast cyclist to participate, the bigger events offer distances and cut-off times that could suit almost anyone.

I don’t know which it will be yet, but I am aiming to find one that:

* Offers a range of distances, from full race length to something suitable for kids or leisure cyclists.

* Gives the possibility of watching the corresponding pro-race.

* Has enough to do locally for non-cycling partners and family to enjoy the weekend.

It would be very helpful to have a rough idea of how big the party would be, for detailed planning. I’m not asking for any sort of commitment at this stage, but, if you’re interested, please let me know, with an indication of how many family or friends you might bring along, by dropping an email to me at

Ian Oliver
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3 Responses to Doing a Sportive in Europe

  1. Edward says:

    I would really like to do Paris-Roubaix next year…

  2. hippy says:

    Ian O, I tried emailing you my interest in this (even with the nospam removed) and it kept bouncing.
    Hope someone passes this on to you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    From Ian Oliver

    My real email address is ian dot oliver3 at btinternet dot com if you have no joy with the decoy (which works – just checked it).

    Please could the people who have added comments from their blog please email me directly as I have no way of contacting you back.

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